Currently, my focus lies on engaging new projects for Priority Vision, a venture that brings me immense satisfaction. Did you know that we've recently launched the theme for Ghost? Take a peek at it here.

Additionally, I'm dedicated to carving out time for reading amidst my busy schedule.

Current Projects

Here's a glimpse into the projects currently occupying my attention:

Reading List

Here are the books currently enriching my mind:

Technical Exploration

Diving into the realm of new technologies and tools:

  1. Next.js: Mastering React within this robust framework.
  2. Tailwind: Venturing into the world of utility-first CSS and embracing its efficiency.

Life Beyond Work

Beyond my professional endeavors, I find solace and joy in various activities. Exploring the outdoors with my loved ones, whether it's cycling through scenic routes or foraging for mushrooms and berries in the serene forest.

Seeking refuge from the hustle and bustle of urban life by retreating to the tranquility of the mountains and the refreshing embrace of the sea.